Designing Future Cities: Alternative Energy Can you design the green city of the future? Take on the role of city planner and work out design solutions that incorporate innovative energy alternatives. Video (2m 11s), Grades 3-8
Physics of Stone Arches How do arches stay standing? Try your hand at constructing a cathedral arch and learn more about the physics behind the arch. Interactive, Grades 7-12
Green Technology: Sustaining the Earth How can technology move us toward a greener future? Explore areas of research and innovation in green technology: renewable energy and conservation; green building; transportation; manufacturing; and pollution and waste management. Interactive, Grades 6-12
The Structure of Metal What makes metal special? Explore metal at the atomic level and find out what makes it such a versatile material. Interactive, Grades 6-12
Nature’s Super Materials How is Mother Nature inspiring the next generation of strong materials? See some of the amazing structures and properties that animals and plants have evolved, and learn about new human-made super-materials they are giving rise to. Interactive, Grades 6-12.